Last year Christ Church gave financial support to Christian workers in England, Latvia, South Africa, Ethiopia and Nepal.
- Students were taught biblical truths in the face of modern ideals.
- Abused children were fed, clothed, loved and protected.
- Sick children were treated with medication and taught.
- Hospital medical care was provided.
- Fresh water and waste water tanks built to serve a hospital and community.
- Theological books written in languages that until now were unavailable.
We believe monetary support and PRAYER SUPPORT ARE VITAL. At our regular meetings we pray for all the missionaries we support and Christ Church members who go out on short term missions or are involved in gap year Christian work.
We have two meetings each month in various locations. Please contact John or Libby Wain for details
- The first Saturday in the month. 8.30am for breakfast followed by praying for Christ Church Missionaries.
- The third Monday evening in the month. 7pm business meeting followed by prayers for other missionaries at 7.30pm.
Everyone is welcome to come and join us.