A team of volunteers set up Coffee in The Living Room – a weekly village coffee morning held in our church. “It’s a real joy and privilege to serve the community of Bayston Hill in this way, there’s such a great atmosphere when everyone gathers together, we love it.”
Since it began we’ve seen it grow each week. The community that has built up supports each other, just like a family. Everyone who comes to the coffee morning goes out saying “this is different”. There are all sorts of activities going on, including dominoes and puzzles. People are free to join in with anything on offer or to just sit and have a natter.
Coffee in the Living Room meets on a Tuesday between 10 am and 12 pm. We do tend to break up over Christmas, Easter and Summer. You can check dates on our Newssheet, which is accessed by clicking the button on our front page.
Everybody is most welcome – the cakes are awesome and the company’s not bad either!