Homegroups at Christ Church
Christ Church has a long-established network of small groups called Homegroups. They meet during the week and provide an opportunity for worship, bible study, prayer and mutual support. The groups are a very important part of the church’s pastoral care for members. In a small group, trusting relationships are built which are impossible to achieve through a Sunday service. These relationships facilitate sharing at a deeper level and allow members to support one another through difficult times and encourage each other to grow in faith.
Each group functions differently and find the balance of sharing, studying and praying which suits the members best. Most groups base their study on questions provided following the Sunday sermon, exploring practical ways of applying the scriptures.
Currently there are six groups, meeting at different times and on different days to suit their members. Most groups meet face to face in homes but there is a group who meet online via Zoom.

Meeting weekly at 10.30am, Wednesdays
Face to Face in Bayston Hill
Leaders – Ivan and Jacqueline Hacking,
Host – Janet Madin

Meeting fortnightly at 2.30pm, Wednesdays
Face to Face in Bayston Hill
Co-ordinator – Hilary Taylor

Meeting weekly at 2.30pm, Wednesdays
Face to Face in Shrewsbury

Meeting weekly at 8pm, Wednesdays
online via Zoom
Leader – John Langridge

Meeting weekly at 8pm, Thursdays
Face to Face in Bayston Hill
Leader – Mark Underwood

Meeting weekly (but not on a regular day) at 7.30pm,
Face to Face in Bayston Hill
Leader – Debbie Hubbard
If you wish to join a Homegroup please contact me and we can arrange a chat to determine which group might suit you best.
John Langridge [email protected] Tel 872341